Your hosts Pheonix and PhoneBoy talk about health, happiness, higher consciousness, and hi-tech hijinks!
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In this episode, your favorite petalheads talk about lavender oil and the Nine of Swords in Tarot.
“Sit down, strap in, shut up, and listen!” — Pheonix
Soak a cotton ball in blend and rub gently on face.
Apply directly to breakouts after washing face
Apply liberally daily to sooth inflamed patches.
Use as a moisturizer twice daily.
Apply with a cotton ball three times daily.
Combine in spray bottle, shake well. Spray on affected area 2-3 times daily liberally until sunburn heals.
Apply mixture with a cotton ball when you change bandage. Oil application after healing can also reduce scaring.
Combine in spray bottle. May be sprayed on clothing and skin.
Apply mixture to bite as needed using a cotton ball.
Whip mixture into lotion and apply to affected area several times daily.
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