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Your favorite petalheads review 2022 through clips of The Lotus Effect from the first half of 2022.
More Download2022-12-25
Your favorite petalheads talk with someone who works in the pharmaceutical industry and learn a few things about what they're (not) doing.
More Download2022-12-24
Your favorite pedalheads tell you the history of Krampus and Santa Claus
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Your favorite petalheads talk about salt...and how it's not as bad as the mainstream medical establishment says it is.
More Download2022-12-10
In this episode, your favorite petalheads read the letters they wrote to their 18 year old selves.
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Your favorite petalheads talk about their humble beginnings and how it all grew from a podcast.
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Your favorite petalheads talk about the bogativeness behind Thanksgiving.
More Download2022-11-19
Your favorite petalheads talk about rosemary oil and two tarot cards: Justice and Judgement.
More Download2022-11-12
Your favorite petalheads talk about alcohol...and how it's just as bad for you as sugar.
More Download2022-11-05
Your favorite petalheads talk about fear...and how it controls us all.
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