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Your favorite pedalheads deconstruct the classic War of the Worlds broadcast from 1938.
More Download2022-10-22
Your favorite petalheads talk about reincarnation and karma.
More Download2022-10-15
Your favorite petalheads talk about empaths...and what we've learned since we covered this in episode 3.
More Download2022-10-08
In this episode, your favorite petalheads talk about psilocybin and what a strange trip it can be.
More Download2022-10-01
Your favorite petalheads talk about it's sometimes a good thing, how it can be a bad thing, and how to mitigate the effects.
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Your favorite petalheads talk about the myths and facts of sweating
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Your favorite petalheads talk about life and the afterlife with RevCyberTrucker!
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Your favorite petalheads talk about their favorite conspiracy theories...that aren't 9/11. We also hear from other petalheads about their favorite conspiracy theories.
More Download2022-09-10
Your favorite petalheads talk about Clove Oil and Temperance.
More Download2022-09-03
Your favorite petalheads talk about everyone's favorite solo activity.
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